Results for 'Lecturer in Russian Studies David Shepherd'

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  1.  10
    The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master's Absence.Craig Brandist, David Shepherd, Lecturer in Russian Studies David Shepherd, Galin Tihanov & Junior Research Fellow in Russian and German Intellectual History Galin Tihanov - 2004 - Manchester University Press.
    The Russian philosopher and cultural theorist Mikhail Bakhtin has traditionally been seen as the leading figure in the group of intellectuals known as the Bakhtin Circle. The writings of other members of the Circle are considered much less important than his work, while Bakhtin's achievement has been exaggerated in proportion to the downgrading of the thinkers with whom he associated in the 1920s. This volume, which includes new translations and studies of the work of the most important members (...)
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    Mary Shepherd's An essay upon the relation of cause and effect.Mary Shepherd - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Don Garrett.
    Mary Shepherd's An Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect, first published in 1824, was a pioneering work in metaphysics and epistemology. Together with her 1827 Essays on the Perception of an External Universe, they make her one of the most important philosophers of her era. Although widely neglected by the history of philosophy in the decades after her death, her works have recently begun to attract the attention and sustained study they deserve. In the course of her (...)
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    The Ladies: Female Patronage of Restoration Drama, 1660-1700.David Roberts & Visiting Lecturer David Roberts - 1989 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This is the first in-depth study of a female audience that shows how and why women went to the theater in Restoration England. Robert challenges the assumption that a "ladies' faction" played an important part in encouraging the playhouses to present a more moral, less bawdy or "satirical" style of comedy, thus changing the course of English drama. He shows that there is no evidence of this faction, and that "sentimental" comedies really did cater to the interest of their female (...)
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    Hormones, neuroblasts and the adult insect.David Shepherd - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (7):457-459.
    Insect neurogenesis has been subjected to extensive study and as a result is regarded as being well understood. It is, therefore, all the more surprising when a fundamentally novel aspects of the process is uncovered. Until recently it was thought that the production of central neurons ceased before the emergence of the adult. Recently, however, Cayre et al. have shown that neurogenesis also occurs in the adult brain. Their studies also show that the rate at which adult neuroblasts divide (...)
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    Phenomenologically researching the Lecturer-Student Teacher Relationship: Some Challenges Encountered.David Giles - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (2):1-11.
    The teacher-student relationship has long been of primary concern to educators and the focus of much educational research. While various theoretical understandings of this relationship exist, ontological understandings of the lived experiences of this relationship are not so prevalent, and there is thus a call for phenomenological studies aimed at uncovering the essential and ontological meanings of this taken for granted phenomenon. This paper reports on such a project and, in particular, some of the challenges encountered in the process (...)
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  6. Russian Psychology, a Critical History.David Joravsky - 1991 - Studies in Soviet Thought 42 (2):159-189.
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  7. Three against Justice: The Foole, the Sensible Knave, and the Lydian Shepherd.David Gauthier - 1982 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 7 (1):11-29.
  8.  23
    The Ethical Challenge of Decolonisation and the Future of New Testament Studies.David G. Horrell - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (1):36-57.
    The challenge to decolonise academic disciplines has been pertinent for many decades, but it has recently come to a new level of prominence, with vigorous discussion of what responding to this challenge might entail. This article explores what it might mean as an ethical challenge in the discipline of New Testament studies, using examples to illustrate two key (and related) tasks: the ‘parochialisation’ of European approaches to the discipline, and the paying of attention to perspectives from elsewhere in the (...)
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    Problems and Prospects of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies “Problems of Consciousness: Research Opportunities” Round Table Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, January 28, 2019.David I. Dubrovsky & Ilya Y. Bulov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):144-159.
    In January 2019 the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University held the round table “Problems of Consciousness: Research Opportunities.” It was dedicated to problems of interdisciplinary studies of consciousness. Many famous Russian specialists whose academic interests include consciousness, brain and mind took part in this event: K.V. Anokhin, D.I. Dubrovsky, T.V. Chernigovskaya, M.A. Piradov, A.A. Potapov, V.Y. Sergin, V.V. Vasil’ev, Z.A. Zorina and others. At the round table, the following problems were discussed: the specificity of (...)
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    Marxism and Modernism: An Historical Study of Lukacs, Brecht, Benjamin and Adorno.David Gross - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (59):177-186.
    There is no serious work of which I am aware that does not consider the artistic and literary doctrine of “socialist realism” an intellectual disaster. When Zhdanov announced this doctrine as official Soviet policy at the First Congress of Soviet Writers in 1934, his words put an end to a variety of artistic experiments which had taken place within the context of the Russian and European Left during the previous two decades. Suddenly socialist realism, or Zhdanovism, became the only (...)
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    Lectures russes de Pascal: hier et aujourd'hui.Françoise Lesourd & Laurent Thirouin (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Pascal is the most widely read French philosopher in Russia. This work looks at Pascalian studies in contemporary Russia, detailing the themes and images associated with Pascal in Russian philosophy and poetry. It also focuses on Leo Tolstoy, who read Pascal.
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  12. Ontology and geographic objects: An empirical study of cognitive categorization.David M. Mark, Barry Smith & Barbara Tversky - 1999 - In Freksa C. & Mark David M., Spatial Information Theory. Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Geographic Information Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1661). pp. 283-298.
    Cognitive categories in the geographic realm appear to manifest certain special features as contrasted with categories for objects at surveyable scales. We have argued that these features reflect specific ontological characteristics of geographic objects. This paper presents hypotheses as to the nature of the features mentioned, reviews previous empirical work on geographic categories, and presents the results of pilot experiments that used English-speaking subjects to test our hypotheses. Our experiments show geographic categories to be similar to their non-geographic counterparts in (...)
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  13.  38
    The Humanity of the Theologian and the Personal Nature of God: DAVID A. PAILIN.David A. Pailin - 1976 - Religious Studies 12 (2):141-158.
    In his autobiographical-biographical study, Father and Son, Edmund Gosse describes how one evening, during his childhood, while his father was praying at - or, rather, over - his bed, a rather large insect dark and flat, with more legs than a self-respecting insect ought to need, appeared at the bottom of the counterpane, and slowly advanced… I bore it in silent fascination till it almost tickled my chin, and then I screamed ‘Papa! Papa!’. My Father rose in great dudgeon, removed (...)
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  14.  20
    Memory and the integration. The European parliament’s 2019 resolution on European remembrance as a case study.Davide Barile - 2021 - Journal of European Integration 44.
    In September 2019, the European Parliament adopted a resolution that sparked controversy due to its equation of Nazism and Communism. The document made the USSR jointly responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War and accused the Russian government of whitewashing communist crimes and glorifying the Soviet totalitarian regime. This article presents the resolution as the latest expression of a broader discursive process that started with the accession process of the Central and Eastern European countries. To support this (...)
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  15.  60
    Thinking After Heidegger.David Wood - 2002 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In _Thinking After Heidegger_, David Wood takes up the challenge posed by Heidegger - that after the end of philosophy we need to learn to _think_. But what if we read Heidegger with the same respectful irreverence that he brought to reading the Greeks, Kant, Hegel, Husserl and the others? For Wood, it is Derrida's engagements with Heidegger that set the standard here – enacting a repetition through transformation and displacement. But Wood is not content to crown the new (...)
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    The Ethics of Salomon Maimon.David Baumgardt - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ethics of Salomon Maimon (1753-1800) DAVID BAUMGARDT* SALOMON MAIMON is now generally considered the most acute mind among the earliest critics of Kant. Kant himself had praised his acumen,1 though later qualifying his regard decisively.2 Johann Gottfried Herder called * We have just learned of the death of the author. David Baumgardt, born in Germany on April 20, 1890, studied in Vienna and in Berlin and (...)
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  17. Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Analysis.David E. W. Fenner - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (1):40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.1 (2003) 40-53 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Analysis David E. W. Fenner The "raw data" that aesthetics is meant to explain is the aesthetic experience. People have experiences that they class off from other experiences and label, as a class, the aesthetic ones. Aesthetic experience is basic, and allother things aesthetic — aesthetic properties, aesthetic objects, aesthetic attitudes — (...)
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    Obituary: Meyer Schapiro (1904-1996).David Rosand - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (3):547-549.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Memoriam: Meyer Schapiro (1904–1996)David RosandMeyer Schapiro, University Professor Emeritus at Columbia University, died at home in New York City on Sunday 3 March, at the age of 91. With his death, the worlds of art and learning have lost a legendary figure.“The humanity of art lies in the artist and not simply in what he represents,” Schapiro had declared in his lectures on abstract art. “It is (...)
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    Practical Ethics: Being Lectures and Papers on Natural Religion, Self-government, Natural Jurisprudence, and the Law of Nations.Thomas Reid - 1990
    As the originator of the Scottish school of "common sense" philosophy and the foremost contemporary critic of David Hume's moral skepticism, Thomas Reid (1710-1796) played a hitherto unknown role in applying the tradition of natural law to morality and politics. When Reid succeeded Adam Smith as professor of moral philosophy in Glasgow in 1764, he taught a course covering pneumatology (theory of mind), practical ethics, and politics. In presenting for the first time the philosopher's manuscript lectures and papers on (...)
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  20.  44
    Oakeshott and the History of Political Thought.David Boucher - 2007 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 13 (1):69-101.
    This paper is addressed to a specific question: why did Oakeshott fail to follow his own methodological prescriptions when he wrote and delivered his lectures on the history of political thought? In that respect it is about the manner of his studying the history of political thought rather than about its substantive content. I will briefly characterise the architecture of his characterisation, and contend that his view of the history of political thought, at least at the philosophical level,is shared by (...)
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  21.  44
    (1 other version)Thomas Reid on Adam Smith's Theory of Morals.David Fate Norton & J. C. Stewart-Robertson - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (3):381.
    In part one of our analysis of the unpublished lecture materials of thomas reid relating to adam smith, The authors touched on issues of provenance, Of manuscript description and arrangement, As well as of substance concerning reid's actual comments on smith. We have now provided as authentic a reproduction as possible of the relevant manuscript materials in the birkwood collection, Aberdeen, Arguing that there is a perceptible and studied order to reid's forceful objections.
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  22. Free Will and Consciousness: Experimental Studies.Joshua Shepherd - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):915-927.
    What are the folk-conceptual connections between free will and consciousness? In this paper I present results which indicate that consciousness plays central roles in folk conceptions of free will. When conscious states cause behavior, people tend to judge that the agent acted freely. And when unconscious states cause behavior, people tend to judge that the agent did not act freely. Further, these studies contribute to recent experimental work on folk philosophical affiliation, which analyzes folk responses to determine whether folk (...)
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  23. The Philosophy of Activity.David Bakhurst - 1997 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):47-56.
    My subject today is the philosophical significance of the concept of activity. I shall not be talking about philosophical consequences of empirical work done by activity theorists; there are no doubt many such consequences, but they are not my subject. I want to ask whether activity theory incorporates a fundamental philosophical vision. The activity approach obviously represents a certain way of seeing human subjects and their relation to the world. To what extent does this perspective cast light on central questions (...)
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  24.  48
    Sur le style philosophique d’André Charrak. Remarques autour de Rousseau. De l’empirisme à l’expérience. [REVIEW]David Simonetta - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (1):195-214.
    David Simonetta | : À l’occasion de la parution du dernier ouvrage d’André Charrak, Rousseau. De l’empirisme à l’expérience, nous voudrions revenir sur l’itinéraire philosophique de cet auteur, et sur l’évolution qu’a connue sa pensée ces dix dernières années, depuis la parution de son premier livre consacré à l’empirisme continental des Lumières. Cette lecture rétrospective permettra non seulement de mettre en évidence l’enjeu du dernier ouvrage, mais également de tirer les enseignements d’une démarche qui a renouvelé les méthodes de (...)
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  25.  17
    Classical Metaphysics and Gadamerian Hermeneutics.S. David C. Paternostro - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):89-104.
    In a 1990 lecture Alasdair MacIntyre identified a number of difficulties in dialogue between philosophers of the Aristotelian and Thomist schools and those of certain modern schools. An examination of various interpretations of Aquinas reveals not only difficulties for inter-school dialogue but for intra-school dialogue as well. Even on foundational topics such as the notion of being, the proper method by which to study being, and the notion of substance, there are divergent opinions about what Aquinas held. This essay argues (...)
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  26.  24
    Fulfilling Mitzvot through the Practice of Lovingkindness and Wisdom.David J. Gilner - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:27-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fulfilling Mitzvot through the Practice of Lovingkindness and WisdomDavid J. GilnerSince it has been more than forty years since I last wrote a paper in comparative religion, I have chosen not to attempt a scholarly paper. Rather, after a biographical sketch, I will discuss examples of Jewish texts that underpin my choice to pursue a path that includes practices drawn from the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, and explain how (...)
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  27.  39
    Heracles at the Y.David Sansone - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:125-142.
    The article seeks to show that, contrary to the standard view, the 'Choice of Heracles' preserved at Xen. Mem. 2.1.21-33 is not a summary or paraphrase, but is a very close approximation to the actual wording of Prodicus' epideixis. The language and style are shown to be uncharacteristic of Xenophon, and the fact that Prodicus' original was known to exist in both written and orally performed versions serves to explain why the piece is framed by language that disclaims strict accuracy (...)
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  28.  22
    The Impossible project of Ivan Pavlov (and William James and sigmund Freud).David Joravsky - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):265-280.
    The ArgumentIn different contexts, beginning with different concerns, Pavlov, James, and Freud tried to achieve a neurophysiological explanation of mind, and suffered defeat. James and Freud acknowledged the defeat and attempted, in radically different ways, to construct an interim psychology, hoping that neural explanation would be achieved in the future. Pavlov came to the effort in his fifties, after decades of research that took for granted a sharp separation between neurophysiology and psychology. He changed his mind as he noticed the (...)
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  29. Consciousness and Moral Status.Joshua Shepherd - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    It seems obvious that phenomenally conscious experience is something of great value, and that this value maps onto a range of important ethical issues. For example, claims about the value of life for those in a permanent vegetative state, debates about treatment and study of disorders of consciousness, controversies about end-of-life care for those with advanced dementia, and arguments about the moral status of embryos, fetuses, and non-human animals arguably turn on the moral significance of various facts about consciousness. However, (...)
  30.  13
    Leo Strauss on Plato's Euthyphro ed. Hannes Kerber, and Svetozar Y. Minkov (review).Colin David Pears - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):550-552.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Leo Strauss on Plato's Euthyphro ed. Hannes Kerber, and Svetozar Y. MinkovColin David PearsKERBER, Hannes, and Svetozar Y. Minkov, editors. Leo Strauss on Plato's Euthyphro. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2023. vii + 231 pp. Cloth, $74.95; paper, $22.95Leo Strauss is an enigmatic figure in the landscape of political philosophy, deeply committed to the restoration of political philosophy as the premiere discipline in academia. He spent (...)
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  31. Essays in Jewish Philosophy. A Selection From the Scattered Essays, Lectures and Articles, Among Which Some Major Studies on the Principles of Judaism, on the Philosophy of Saadya and of Jehuda Hallevi, and on Crescas and Spinoza.David Neumark & Samuel Solomon Cohon - 1971 - Philo Press.
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  32. El concurso divino y la gracia eficaz en Pedro de Ledesma.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2024 - Cuadernos Doctorales de la Facultad de Teología 75:227-291.
    The Dominican Pedro de Ledesma was a member of the School of Salamanca, professor of Theology in the late 16th and early 17th century. Here we investigate for the first time his contribution to the «de auxiliis» controversy, in which mainly the Dominicans and the Jesuits contended about human free will and God’s influence on it. Among the various theological problems involved, this thesis examines the nature of the divine concurrence in free human action and, in particular, divine concurrence in (...)
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    Science, Perception and Reality.David B. Burrell - 1964 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 13:218-224.
    A host of factors, technical and cultural, have combined in our day to establish the journal article as the genre of philosophical writing. The next step is to collect them in the more available format of a book. Whatever be one’s judgment of the practice, it seems established; and, we think, in the case of Sellars’ offerings, is a fortunate one. One may more readily take the measure of a meticulous and probing philosophical mind by surveying its work over a (...)
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    The Unified Theory of Punishment of Green and Bosanquet.David Crossley - 2004 - Bradley Studies 10 (1-2):1-14.
    One way out to avoid this tension is to adopt what legal theorists call a “mixed theory,” which presents the different penal elements as answering to different concerns. For example, one could hold that the justification of the institution of punishment requires a consequentialist answer focussed on various types of deterrence aimed at promoting social well-being, but that the distribution of actual punishments is decided in terms of desert and the degree of moral culpability of the criminal. This is the (...)
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  35.  35
    Vygotsky, Hasan and Halliday: Towards Conceptual Complementarity.David Kellogg & Ji-Young Shin - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (3):287-306.
    Vygotsky measured his ‘zone of proximal development’ in years. To do this, he needed a scheme of age periods, and a set of tasks that could diagnose the next age period without defining it. In this paper, we compare the age periods in his late lectures with Halliday’s categories of logico-semantic expansion as used by three adolescent writer/speakers. We find that the tendency to elaborate and embed clauses grows with expertise, while the tendency to tell stories wanes. We take this (...)
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    The Enchantment of Art: Abstraction and Empathy from German Romanticism to Expressionism.David Morgan - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):317-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Enchantment of Art: Abstraction and Empathy from German Romanticism to ExpressionismDavid MorganA familiar tradition since the eighteenth century has invested art with the power to heal a decadent human condition. Inheriting this ability from religion—the romantic enthusiast Wilhelm Wackenroder considered artistic inspiration to originate in “divine inspiration” in the case of his hero, Raphael 1 —art eventually replaced institutionalized belief in an evolutionary schedule of cultural development determined (...)
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    Let us be human: Primo Levi and Ludwig Wittgenstein.Davide Sparti - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):444-459.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Let Us Be Human:Primo Levi and Ludwig WittgensteinDavide SpartiThe demolition of a man is difficult, almost as much as creating one.— Primo Levi1The modest but also remarkable ambition of Primo Levi's most important book Se questo è un uomo is "to provide material for a quiet [pacato] study of certain aspects of the human soul [animo umano]."2 More precisely, its ethical core (and its title) concerns itself with the (...)
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    ‘It’s not making a decision, it’s prompting the discussions’: a qualitative study exploring stakeholders’ views on the acceptability and feasibility of advance research planning (CONSULT-ADVANCE).Victoria Shepherd, Kerenza Hood & Fiona Wood - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-23.
    Background Health and care research involving people who lack capacity to consent requires an alternative decision maker to decide whether they participate or not based on their ‘presumed will’. However, this is often unknown. Advance research planning (ARP) is a process for people who anticipate periods of impaired capacity to prospectively express their preferences about research participation and identify who they wish to be involved in future decisions. This may help to extend individuals’ autonomy by ensuring that proxy decisions are (...)
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    Lermontov and the omniscience of narrators.David A. Goldfarb - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):61-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Lermontov And The Omniscience Of NarratorsDavid A. GoldfarbGod and fictional narrators are the only beings who are sometimes considered omniscient. God, who is sometimes regarded as not fictional, is frequently also regarded as omnipotent. Narrators, who normally seem to have no sphere of action save for conveying information to readers, particularly when they speak omnisciently in the third person, are not considered to have “power” in any way, because (...)
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    Rationalism and a Vygotskian Alternative to Business Ethics Education.David Ohreen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:231-260.
    Studies have shown ethics education has not systematically improved the moral reasoning of business students and professionals and, therefore, its effectiveness should be seen as deeply questionable. Business ethics education has limited effect, in part, because it rests on rationalistic traditions within normative ethics, business theory, and cognitive psychology. Emphasis is usually placed on student’s rationally thinking about issues as a way of improving their critical analysis and reasoning skills. Yet by focusing primarily on its cognitive dimension, ethics education (...)
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    Religion and Practical Reason: New Essays in the Comparative Philosophy of Religions.Frank Reynolds, David Tracy & Andrew Thomas Greeley and Grace McNichols Greeley Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Catholic Studies David Tracy - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    This book contains programmatic essays that focus on broad-ranging proposals for re-envisioning a discipline of comparative philosophy of religions. It also contains a number of case studies focussing on the interpretation of particular religio-historical data from comparatively oriented philosophical perspectives.
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    Il’enkov on Education.David Bakhurst - 2005 - Studies in East European Thought 57 (3):261-275.
    The philosophy of education is among the least celebrated sub-disciplines of Anglo-American philosophy. Its neglect is hard to reconcile, however, with the fact that human beings owe their distinctive psychological powers to cumulative cultural evolution, the process in which each generation inherits the collective cognitive achievements of previous generations through cultural, rather than biological, transmission. This paper examines the work of Eval’d Il’enkov, who, unlike his Anglo-American counterparts, maintains that education, broadly understood, is central to issues in epistemology and philosophy (...)
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    (1 other version)Emerson's Pragmatic Vision: The Dance of the Eye.David Jacobson - 1989 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The long ignored philosophical content of Emerson's writings has recently emerged as a central topic in Emerson studies. In _Emerson's Pragmatic Vision_, David Jacobson enters the discussion, placing Emerson in a line of philosophers from Kant and Hegel to Heidegger and Derrida, and adding to our understanding of his philosophical appropriations and anticipations. In the process Jacobson shows how Emerson grappled not only with basic issues of philosophy but eventually with the value of philosophical discourse itself. Conceiving Emerson's (...)
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    William Whiston, Isaac Newton and the crisis of publicity.Stephen David Snobelen - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (3):573-603.
    William Whiston was one of the first British converts to Newtonian physics and his 1696 New theory of the earth is the first full-length popularization of the natural philosophy of the Principia. Impressed with his young protégé, Newton paved the way for Whiston to succeed him as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in 1702. Already a leading Newtonian natural philosopher, Whiston also came to espouse Newton’s heretical antitrinitarianism in the middle of the first decade of the eighteenth century. In all, Whiston (...)
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    The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson. [REVIEW]David W. Hill - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (3):263-264.
    The release of a reader’s edition of the critical text of Essays, First Series and Essays, Second Series, in which readers can trace Emerson’s growing awareness that his true interest is in the constitution of consciousness rather than in ontological questions, is a welcomed fulfillment of the promise of the textual “industry” of the last twenty-five years. The textual accuracy of the Harvard texts is documented in the fuller Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, where one can reconstruct copy-texts. While (...)
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    Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition. [REVIEW]David Walsh - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):440-442.
    The value of what Magee has done can best be appreciated by recalling the number of times that scholars of Hegel have pointed toward the relationship with the esoteric and mystical sources in which he had been immersed. The romantic and idealist circle at Jena seemed at times consumed with an unquenchable thirst for the Gnostic, Hermetic, theosophical, and speculative mysticism that they felt resonated with their own project. Moreover, the connection between the philosophical and the mystical does not have (...)
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    Intimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural Difference (review). [REVIEW]David Jones & John A. Sweeney - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (4):603-607.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Intimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural DifferenceDavid Jones and John A. SweeneyIntimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural Difference. By Thomas P. Kasulis. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002. Pp. xii + 183. Paper $14.95.Back in the early days of cross-cultural inquiry, scholars gained some territory in the understanding of cultural difference by focusing their attention on the distinction between the individualistic and the collective. Asians, especially East Asians, (...)
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    Review of Taking Wittgenstein at his Word by Robert Fogelin. [REVIEW]David Stern - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):147-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Taking Wittgenstein at his Word: A Textual StudyDavid SternRobert J. Fogelin. Taking Wittgenstein at his Word: A Textual Study. Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2009. Pp. xviii + 181. Cloth, $35.00.This is an excellent book, which should be read widely. It is a short, lucid, and accessible introduction to Wittgenstein’s later philosophy, written by a leading expert. It is the ideal sequel to Saul Kripke’s Wittgenstein on Rules and (...)
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    Book review: Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life. [REVIEW]David Gorman - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):196-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public LifeDavid GormanPoetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life, by Martha C. Nussbaum; xii & 143 pp. Boston: Beacon Press, 1995, $20.00.This volume, a revision of lectures given in 1991, is a philosophical study comparing aspects of law and literature. The law in question is contemporary American case law (hence the reference to “Public Life” in the book’s subtitle). The literature (...)
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  50. How to think about the functions of consciousness.Joshua Shepherd & Tim Bayne - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    A foundational issue for the science and philosophy of consciousness concerns the function(s) of consciousness – what consciousness does for any particular aspect of psychological or neural processing. In spite of progress in consciousness science, false assumptions and a lack of clarity regarding how best to approach the functions of consciousness represent an ongoing and serious roadblock to progress. Misguided approaches to the function(s) of consciousness have the potential to mangle explanatory priorities, and divert attention, effort, and funding away from (...)
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